Of Quartz I Love You Baby!

Skullduggery: "The Husband" as it appeared in 1976

In April of 1968, the last of fifteen archaeological expeditions to visit the Mayan ruins at Lubaatun, Beliz turned up what has been classified as and "ancient" crystal skull. Found about twenty feet below where the famous Mitchell-Hedges skull was found in 1924 and bearing a similar technique of being carved "against the grain" of the quartz crystal, this skull is apparently that of a "male" just as the Mitchell-Hedges skull was determined to be female. Researchers are calling it "the husband."

"Even with the most precise tools to be found in current technology, there is no way we could create a likeness so precise," said Coleman Figgis, the head of the privately funded archaeological dig that unearthed the crystal cranium. "The only plausible way that it could have been made, to the best of our knowledge, would have been to have been slowly eroded or dissolved with some as of yet unknown solvent. When I say slowly, I mean about three hundred years."

The skull, unlike its Mitchell-Hedges counterpart, was found without a mandible. The previously well-known artifact was found with a detachable jawbone, escalating claims of an unnatural origin.

"This new skull is not without its unique curiosities. This one is more precise in detail, accurate within one hundredth of a centimeter of a real skull. The level of stylization and artistic license is far less. There are dozens of these things that are made with some kind of impressive craftsmanship, but they don't actually look like a real skull. This one does! It's as if someone turned an actual male skull into quartz. Electron microscopy now reveals the handiwork of metal tools, but the question still remains, how could human hands have carved this artifact without shattering it?"

Spiritualists and parapsychologists theorize that the skull has more to offer than aesthetic precision.

"It's a lens," says well known spiritualist Brad Bluhnor. "Shining light through it reveals messages that were intended to be retrieved from the skull. Also, it vibrates in reaction to sounds being played into it. Psychometric tests reveal these changes in the skull, which was meticulously crafted through some lost art, as a time capsule. The skull is here to teach us about the people who made it and possibly about ourselves." Approximately forty known "ancient" (1000 years or older) crystal skulls are known to exist in the world, most of which coming from Mexico and South America. They pose a challenge and a conundrum to scientists and spiritualists alike.

Editor's Note: The "Husband," as it is still known, now resides in the private collection of Shoshanna Dyan in Israel.


"New Crystal Skull Discovered in Belize," Strange Facts of the Unknown World, Published in 1978 by Register Press

Photo courtesy of Strange Facts of the Unknown World

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