Autopsy Made Easy #2 (snake)

I got all of these autopsy photos in an e-mail from a hotmail account that did not respond to my repeated requests for more information. They were titled "autopsy photos" and then the photos were labeled "bees in lungs, snakes in stomach, voodoo dolls in stomach."

Information supplied by viewing the photos is limited to:

1) They seem to be of recent origin (sometime between the 70's - 90's) being shot with a high quality color camera. That all 3 sets of photos seem to be shot in the same style make me doubt their authenticity. Was one coroner in charge of all 3 autopsies?

2) The ruler shows increments in inches and is written in English which leads me to believe that it was shot in the United States.

3) I showed these to a coroner and he confirmed that medical examiners do use the type the yellow gloves, ruler and clamp shown in the picture. He also stated that the organs seemed very "jumbled" so much that he was hesitant to state what organs were visible in the photos. He said this could have been caused by the removal of the organs from the body but the style was "inconsistent with examination techniques."

After speaking with the coroner I was dubious that these were real. There are folktales about animals crawling inside a person. Snakes are often said to be consumed accidentally with food and then reside in the stomach of the afflicted person. This may be linked with the truth of certain tape worms which can be ingested with spoiled or undercooked food and reside inside the upper intestine of the human body. I could find no old legend or news story that corresponded to having bees in your lungs. I spoke with a beekeeper who said that you would have to be "mighty dumb" to get a dozen bees inside you. The voodoo dolls were the most dubious of all to me but then I stumbled across a real news story out of Tampa Florida that made me think twice. I recount that entire story in the voodoo dolls in stomach entry.

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  • Autopsy Made Easy #1 (bees)

  • Autopsy Made Easy #3 (voodoo dolls)

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