What would Freud say?

Flagstaff, Arizona was the most recent occurrence of "transubstantiation" of the body of Christ, as this time his body took the shape of a banana. On April 22 Felix Rodriguez, 43 (pictured, with said banana), who runs a kiosk at the Flagstaff Farmer's Market every Saturday and Sunday, was separating the good fruit from the bad just before opening when he felt as if hit by a bolt of lightning.

Turn the Other Peel: Rodriguez and his Mythical Banana

"Everything went away. It was only for a second, then I was back." Said Rodriguez. "I was holding this piece of fruit and I looked down at it and saw what I believe to be the face of Jesus on the banana..." Rodriguez chuckles at the absurdity of his claim. "I don't care what anyone says. I am sure it's Jesus."

Having never been an avid churchgoer himself, Rodriguez drew a sizable crowd of the pious and nonbelievers alike, all debating the veracity of his claim. "I don't know if I should be opening my kiosk on Sundays!" Rodriguez jokes. "It sure helped my business that day, and it has been booming ever since! I bought myself a new TV set last week with the proceeds."

Church parishioners, as usual, find the appearance of Christ to be, well, fruity.

"I don't pretend to know the ways of Christ," says Catholic Priest Eduardo Velazquez. "But I do not personally believe he came down to that farmer's market to make Mr. Rodriguez rich. I can't complain, thought, because church attendance went up once this story got around. I guess sometimes it takes something like this to up attendance. Still, I have to contact the Vatican about this kind of thing, which is a lot of red tape. I don't think the banana will last that long."

What was the fate of the banana itself? "After a couple of days, it was brown all over." Rodriguez says. "I didn't want it to go to waste. I made myself a little fruit smoothie out of it with some orange juice and some strawberries. I hope I don't go to Hell for that..."


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Photo Courtesy of Bob Stephens, Flagstaff Times-Herald

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