January 21st, 1999


I'm back from the swamp. Muddy and stinking of rotten fish but I'm back.

Well I was stinking of fish. I threw the T-shirt and pants I was wearing out as soon as I got away from the fish camp where the new web cam is set up.

That's right, our third monster web cam in a series is up and a running. Thanks go out to Jim Smith over at Jim's Fish Camp and Bar for allowing us the honor of getting him up on the web.

So anyway, I went down to that huge pond in the middle of the sunshine state and started asking around about the skunk ape. It wasn't too long before I had found out that Jim's fishcamp o' fun was the hot spot of recent activity.

"Oh yeah, I seen it. Damn thing comes up at night and eats the fish guts we throw out in back."

Well you can imagine how excited I was to hear about fish guts. I asked to see the suspect area, Jim pointed with his fillet knife and off I went to explore. Thirty feet out I managed to step ankle deep in what I can only describe as "fish gut central"

Man what a smell. If this is what the skunk ape is eating then I can certainly understand why he stinks to high heaven.

After surveying the land and noticing a bump in the nearby water that could either be a odd shaped log or a very large alligator I hightailed it back to the semi-civilized confines of the fish camp and asked Jim if it would be possible to set up a camera for my web site.

"What's in it for me?"

Good question. I looked around the ramshackle collection of sheds, lean-tos, old bass boats and decrepit trailers and said, "How about a web site for your fish camp?"

Well we dickered back and forth for a while but in the end Jim realized the benefits in keeping up with new technology and agreed that a web site extolling the virtues of Jim's Fish Camp and Bar would be just the thing to get those tourists down in droves.

Lan wasn't too excited when I told her that we had to design a web page for Jim in exchange for the web cam but there's always unexpected challenges when I go out to conquer the unexplained. She's just gotta learn to roll with the punches.

More as it develops,

Hurdy Gur,

Derek "Stinky boy" Barnes

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